Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Wildflower Meadow

 The Wildflower Meadow adjacent to our south field is full of wild flowers, both native and invasive, now mostly seeded out. Not many Himalaya Blackberries remain after my many days of grubbing them out and taking them to the goats, who devour the leaves. We then add the bare stalks to the burn pile which, someday, we will be able to burn. The summer has been very, very hot and dry.

I have neglected taking photos of the flowers as they bloom. Or, if I did, they are buried in the computer and not in a blog post. So I will start now, with the few flowers still in bloom in September. Mostly what can be seen are the seed heads of Queen Anne's Lace (a non-native). I will attempt to remember to add to this post as the flowers bloom in the spring (have I said this before?)

So, starting at the end of the season, here are Hall's Asters (white) and Douglas Asters (blue/purple)...









Also blooming now, true to their name, are Pearly Everlasting...