Friday, April 10, 2015

April 2015 Woodland Wildflowers

On April 6...

still lots of Cardamine blooming

almost blooming and lots of them: Maianthemum dilatatum, false lily of the valley

Columbia (tiger) Lily still going up, no flowers in sight yet


On April 10...

Disporum hookeri, Hooker's Fairybells.

Lots of Candy Flowers blooming now,  Claytonia sibirica

Big Leaf Maples in flower

Oxalis acetosella is just starting to bloom

Not sure about this one...
Tellima grandiflora?

Black Twinberry, Lonicera involucrata

lots of trillium, both Western, as above, and sessile in bloom still


On April 12, more  Fairybells blooming...

Hooker's Fairybells: Disporum hookeri

Still lots of bleeding hearts...

Dicentra formosa

And yellow wood violets...

Viola glabella

And sessile trillium...

Trillium albidum

Just beginning to show blue a few western bluebells... with zillions more to open.

Mertensia platyphylla

Carpeting the ground in places now is Pacific Waterleaf...Hydrophyllum tenuipes

April 20
                                                       Fringe Cups: Tellima grandiflora

Fringe Cups turning purple with age

Western bluebells: Mertensia platyphylla

aging Western Trillium: Trillium ovatum

Salmonberry: Rubus spectabilis

Vine Maple:  Acer circinatum


April 29

Dicentra formosa, Bleeding Hearts, just bloom on and on...

A few more Western Bluebells opening

Lots of Fringe Cups (Tellima grandiflora)

Elderberry:  Sambucus racemosa

just beginning Maianthemum racemosum, False Solomon's Seal

Thanks to Howard Bruner (again) for identifying the flower below as youth-on-age, Tolmiea menziesii. There's no end to things I don't know.

Tolmiea menziesii

Tolmiea menziesii

More Fairybells blooming

Again, Howard Bruner identifited this as Angled Bittercress, Cardamine angulata. The Cardamines defeat me.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

March, 2015, wildflower beginnings in our woods

March 9 mystery lily that seldom gets to bloom... maybe this year... alas on March 16 the leaves had been eaten off under the ground and were lying, wilting, on top. A few small ones remained intact. On March 19, all were eaten off but there were these clustered tiny things in the same area that may be more trying to come up? Or something else? March 24, all gone.

Cardamine sp.
Cardamine sp. (I've given up sorting out the Cardamines)
oxalis not yet in bloom
Cow parsnip young leaves

wood violets
bleeding heart leaves

Bigleaf Maple seedlings are everywhere

Columbia Lily just appearing on March 9. This is the one that takes forever to reach blooming height, when it doesn't get eaten by slugs.

On March 19, it was higher and several more in the neighborhood were poking up.

Sessile Trillium or Mottled Trillium, Trillium chloropetalum, not yet blooming

trillium "grove"

These mottled trillium are everywhere

another trillium "grove"
On March 19, the first (and one of few) Western Trillium was open.

Cardamine sp.
On March 16, the first Skunk Cabbage in full bloom...

Also on March 16, more Cardamine...

Finally, on March 19, I found a 5 petalled flower, some sort of Miner's Lettuce, I presume. Claytonia or Montia. It had lots of basal long petioled leaves creating a whorl of leaves far from the very long stemmed flowers. Update: thanks to Howard Bruner for the identification: This is Montia sibirica, Candy Flower. I think he has told me this in the past.

Montia sibirica, Candy Flower

March 24, first sessile trillium open

More western trilliums open that day...

And the first Bleeding Heart flowers...

Dicentra formosa, Pacific Bleeding Heart

On March 24, the Oregon Grape was in full bloom

On March 27, more Sessile Trilliums...

more bleeding hearts...

and lots of cardamine...